Are you tired of reading that old cliché: “think of yourself first, because you deserve it”? Or worse still, a suggestion to leap out of your comfort zone, and invest thousands of pounds on yourself to then “watch the world open up for you”?
So, if this kind of speel doesn’t resonate well with you, or you don’t feel comfortable turning the spotlight on yourself in this way, it’s probably because you are perfectly content with yourself and your ‘lot’ at the moment. Maybe, just maybe, you’ve enjoyed some quality time this summer after a mad year!
ost recently, one of those on “concentrating on getting quality of life”. To be honest, it troubled me. It talked about not making lesser choices when you can make better ones. I quite like the idea, but only as long as it’s within your real means! I cringe at Marketing Coaches who continue to promote extravagance and out-of-reach spending. Some even try to work how you can raise the money for one of their lavish programmes, when it can seriously break the bank. What’s more, by the end of the programme, you might feel so dependent on it that you have to sign up for the next course, for fear of losing everything you’ve learned…and so it goes on!

Are you also tired of seeing pictures of champagne, or snapshots of beautiful scenes in the sun that make you long for something more when there is so much else to be getting on with – when there is so much more going on in the world?
“Surround yourself with the best that life has to offer”, the article goes on to say,
and again, I felt ashamed even at the thought of too much of that!
As I continued reading, I decided to put another spin on my unhealthy thoughts, as I felt myself spiraling, and I began thinking about what really matters right now!

September for me is like the month of January, except it feels so much more exciting.
I’ve finally had the opportunity to see my family, after so many months of travel restrictions; I’ve enjoyed some sunshine, the countryside and been by the sea.
I’ve eaten well, drunk my glasses of champagne, and with the year ahead, I know what to do and I know how to achieve it…
…not just for me, but for people around me, for my clients, and my followers.
Planning my 2021 – 2022 calendar is where I’m at right now!
I will include my health goals, budgeting, my financial investments, my business goals, personal goals, development goals, fun and exercise goals, and some big creative projects too – both personal and professional. I will consider everybody around me…my family, my friends as well as myself!
Doesn’t that sound a little healthier than…
…“Put the spotlight on yourself because you are worth it”?
I feel happier with this approach because I’m tired of this ‘me, myself, and I’ push-pull from coaches campaigning for selfishness whilst emptying wallets.
We can focus on what we need as individuals to function to the best of our abilities, to manage ourselves and way beyond. However, we must use a ‘whole picture’ vision, in a way that makes 360° planning easy, efficient and selfless. You’ll see that…
…it’s not all about “me”, it never has been and never should be.

If you are interested in a pragmatic and creative way to produce 360°-year planning this year; then contact me for:
Use your energy wisely. Let’s paint that blank canvas while you’re feeling fresh, motivated and ready to go.
You can make an appointment immediately and your session with me will be quick, efficient, selfless and what’s more, it won’t break the bank!
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Deborah Russell is a Professional Certified Coach- PCC – an accredited member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF). She is a Master Practitioner in MBTI and Energy Leadership (ELI). About Us
#planning #goalsetting #vision #leadership #motivation