Our responses to Covid (both physical and mental) are as varied as our individual reactions to the vaccines.
For some, it’s no change, for others it has had some effect, for many it has left mind turmoil and some brain fog.
The transition through Covid times takes different forms. What have you noticed?
Asking some questions to yourself helps bring answers and having a discussion with some probing questions which are imaginary is even more powerful.
Just imagine this conversation with your younger being. What would you be saying back?
“Where are you at now then?” “Why are you doing what you are doing?” “Is it ok?” “So, define ok!” “Where do you think you need to be?” “Why?”
“Where will you feel really happy?”
“Why there and what does there look like in words?” “How far are you from that place?” “What should you do to get there?”
“How will you know when you are there?” “Can you draw me a picture of there?”
Simple conversations that matter!
Deborah Russell, Professional Certified Coach, ICF Visit my website: https://www.deborahrussellcoaching.com/
Contact me by mail: deborah@deborahrussellcoaching.com